b'S T ONNEEOOFFVVOOIICCEE m LFL FSP TO ofessional barista. Friendly, personal, informal, personal, informal Looww&&NNoowwiitthhPIIRRIITTOO FLURE is like a pr G Flluurree FLUREURE C COLLINSOLLINSGGlalassss C CoollilninssNONNAALLCCOOLLIICCOO e not your best friend, we are not your bre not your brotherother M Gaarrnniisshh L Leemmoonnwweeddggee a annddNO FLURE is like a professional barista. Friendly maarraasscchhininoo c chheerrrryyoorr s spprrigigooff m mininttbut premium. We are are not your best friend, we ar MeetthhooddBBuuilidld t thhee c coocckkttaaili l inin t thhee g glalassssbut premium. WWe are the barista. Well wish you goodmorning and well serve oovveerriciceeWe are the barista. Well wish you goodmorning and well serve6600mml l FFlulurreeyou the best possible coffee with our beautiful smile. But theree 3300mml ll elemmoonn j juuiicceeyou the best possible coffee with our beautiful smile. But therD co 20 ml l ssimimpplleessyyrruuppDiissttiilllleeddzzeerrooaallccoohhoollbbrraannddFFlluurreehhaassuunnvveeiilleeddaappaaiirrooff coininccidideennccee i titsslilkikeeaa n noonnaalclcoohhoolilcicgginin. .20mis always a professional distance. There is always somethinge is always somethingis always a professional distance. TherSW Sooddaan Whheennyyoouu u usseetthhee o orrigigininaal l FFlulurree i ninaa Lneewwssppiirriittss,,aannddhhaassiittssssiigghhttsssseettoonntthheeoonnttrraaddee G mysterious about the barista: What does he r Leemmoonn w weeddggeeGim mysterious about the barista: What does he really think staringeally think staringimlelett, ,f foorr e exxaammpplele, ,y yoouull l bbeessuurrpprrisiseedd. .I tItssMaaddeelilcicioiouuss d drrininkk, , eeaassyy t toommaakkee, ,a and higighhlyly Maarraasscchhiinnoo c chheerrrryyoorr m mininttnd hat me with his chestnut coloured eyes?.at me with his chestnut coloured eyes?.A ss d deemmaannddffoorr l olowwaanndd n noo H imaalalayyaann j ujunnipipeerr, ,P Prroovveenncceelalavveennddeerr a anndd p It W we will address our audience dir IIttccoommeesstthheecclloosseessttttooaannaallccoohhooll MFLURE L LOOWWGRGRONI ONI A aalclcoohhool ld drrininkkssccoonnttininuueessttoo r risisee, ,Him prroofifittaabbleleffoorr a a b baarr o owwnneerr e L mFLUREItss t thhisisccoommbbininaattioionnooffcchhaarraacctteerrisistticicss t thhaattGM h exxppeerriieenncceewwiitthhoouutttthheeaallccoohhooll Glalassss N Nicickk&& N NoorraaMeeddititeerrrraanneeaannlelemmoonnppeeeel.l .T Thhee p prreesseennccee haass l eleddtthheetteeaamm b beehhinindd F Flulurree t toosseetttthheeirirWell talk about FLURE in thir Gell talk about FLURE in third person singulard person singular. At the same time. At the same time Gaarrnnisishh O Orraannggeeppeeeellitssimimppoorrttaannttttoo h haavvee t thhee r rigighhtt offjujunnipipeerrmmaakkeessititaaffaammiliilaiarr fl flaavvoouurrpprroofifileleit o ssigighhttss o onntthhee o onnttrraaddee, ,b beelileievviningg t thhaatt t thheerreessaattoooolsls f foorr t thheejojobb. .H Higighhlylyvveerrssaattiliele ffoorrmmixixininggininccoocckkttaailisls rreeaal lo oppppoorrttuunnitityy h heerree, ,n noottoonnlylyffoorr t thheebbrraanndd, ,LoonnMMeeiijjeerrss Meetthhoodd C Coommbbinineeininggrreeddieiennttssinin a awe will address our audience directly with you. While FLUREectly with you. While FLUREn C b mixixiningggglalassss, ,a addddicicee a anndd s sttiriruunnttili l noonnaalclcoohhoolilcicssppirirititFFlulurree j ujussttbbeeccaammee Coonnssuummeerrsslilkikee t thhaattpprroofifilele, , aalolonngg buutt f foorr b baarrssttoooo, , aaccrroossss t thhee i nindduussttrryye w is for people that are conscious about their health, we never cchhilileledd. . SSttrraaininaanndd g gaarrnnisishhwwitithhaannevveennmmoorreeininvvaaluluaabblelettoobbaarrtteennddeerrss, ,w witithh witithh b boottaannicicaalslslilkikeelilmimee, ,c coorriaiannddeerr, ,a anndd is for people that are conscious about their health, we neverF L OGGOO h I I sseeeeFFlulurree w woorrkkiningg e evveerryywwhheerree f frroomm s healthy character. Firstline we emphasize its o sseeaassoonnaal l ffrruuitit a ass a avvaarriaiattioionnLO la higighheenndd h hootteecoocckttaaili lb baarrss a all l tthhee w waayyttoo s healthy character. Firstline we emphasize its orraannggeeppeeeel.l .U Usseeloloccaal lh heerrbbss a annddtthhee i ninttrroodduuccttioionnooffttwwoonneewweexxpprreessssioionnss. .lavveennddeerr,,eexxpplalaininss f foouunnddeerrLLoonn M Meeijiejerrss stress FLUREstress FLUREllc koffDDuuttcchh V VOOCC S Sppirirititss. . IIttwwaass c crreeaatteedd puubbggrroouuppss,,ccoonnfifirrmmssMMeeijiejerrss, ,a addddiningg: : EEvveerryyFirirssttuupp i sis n neeww F FlulurreeRRaassppbbeerrrryy B Blelenndd, ,o pw ffrroommaa t taassttee p prroofifilele p peerrssppeeccttivivee, ,a anndd b byy adventurous side. If we have a bit more time to talk aboute time to talk about 3300mml l FFlluurreewitithh a ann a attttrraaccttivivee p pininkkhhuuee, ,a annddaa fl flaavvoouurr adventurous side. If we have a bit mor aalclcoohhool,l , ssuucchh a ass i titss F FlulurreeLLoowwggrroonni,i ,w whhicichhsseelflfrreessppeeccttiningg b baarrtteennddeerr n neeeeddssttoossttoocckk aabboottttlele o offFFlulurree o onntthheeirir b baacckkbbaarr i titp b M 20 ml lr reeddvveerrmmoouutthhprroofifilele t thhaattss b baasseeddoonn j ujunnipipeerr, ,l ilmimee p peeeel,l ,beelolonnggsstthheerree Meeijiejerrss r reecckkoonnss t taakkeesstthhee c clalassssicic f frroomm 20mFLURE well try to explain the pr ocessFLURE well try to explain the premium distillation premium distillation processla T aabboouutt 2 277%% a abbvv t too a arroouunndd 1 11%% 20 ml lC Caammppaarriilavveennddeerr, ,c coorriaiannddeerraanndd, , ooff c coouurrssee, ,f frreesshh Thhee U UKK i sis a a p paarrtticicuulalarrffooccuussffoorrtthhee 20md that leads to a mature, well-balanced taste.Frreesshh o orraannggee p peeeelldisisttilileleddrraassppbbeerrrrieiess, , wwhhicichh l elennddssitit a a f frreesshh that leads to a mature, well-balanced taste.Fbrraanndd, , wwhhicichhssininccee i titss l alauunncchh c caann a alrlreeaaddyybaanndd s slilgighhttlyly s swweeeett a arroommaa p peerrffeeccttffoorr a a F b TFlulurree R Raassppbbeerrrryy B Blelenndd a anndd S Sppiciceedd bee f foouunndd i nin3333 m maarrkkeettssaarroouunndd t thhee w woorrldld. .TRRUUEEDDIISSTTIILLLLAATTEEp C W WpininkkFFlulurree & & T Toonnicic Caannee D Daarrkk R Rooaasstt i sis d duuee t too b bee Weebbeelileievvee t thhaatt t thhee L Loonnddoonnbbaarrsscceenneeinin Whhaatt r reeaallylysseettss F FlulurreeaappaarrttisisititssuusseeuFlu unnvveeilieledd i nin l alattee 2 2001199 p o WFlurreeSSppiciceeddCCaannee D Daarrkk R Rooaasstt, ,paarrtticicuulalarrisisoonneeoofftthheebbeessttaall lo ovveerrtthhee offddisisttilileleddccoommppoonneennttss, , rreessuultltiningg i ninaa Weebbeelileievvee i tit c coommeess t thhee c clolosseessttttooaannCm Coonnttaacctt I Innnn E Exxpprreessss ,,0 011778899 4 48888000088, ,g lobbee. .T Thheerreess r reeaal l ccrreeaattivivitityy i nin t thheesscceennee. .p aalclcoohhool le exxppeerrieienncceewwitithhoouutt t thhee a alclcoohhool,l,meeaannwwhhiliele, , isis a arricichhaammbbeerrccoololouurr, , aanndd i sis ffoorr m moorree i ninffoo, ,a anndd l oloookk o ouutt f foorr a a glo prroodduucctttthhaattssttaannddss o ouutt i ninaa f faassttggrroowwininggm A caatteeggoorryy. .E Eaacchh o off t thheebboottaannicicaalslsisis ssaayyssMMeeijiejerrss. . WWeerree a abblele t toorraaisisee t thheemaaddee f frroomm p puurreeccaannee s suuggaarr m moolalasssseess, ,n Anndd w wee b beelileievveetthhaatt o ouurrttaarrggeett a auuddieiennccee i sis cg nooaabbvv b baarr i ninititiaiattivivee f frroomm t thhee C Ceellalarr b in bgivivininggititnnootteessooff d daarrkkrrooaasstteeddccooffffeeee, ,T baasseeddhheerree a aMMililelennnniaial l wwhhoottaakkeess c caarreeooff inddivivididuuaallyly d disisttilileledduussiningg h hyyddrroosstteeaamm baarraanndd o offffeerraa d deecceennttrraannggee o offaadduultltTrreennddss t thhisis y yeeaarr. .f flulueerreeddrrininkkss.c.coommco tthheeirir b booddyyaannddmminindd, , aanndd w waannttss t too b bee i ninaa d aaltlteerrnnaattiviveessttootthhoosseewwhhoo a arreenntt d drrininkkininggcoccooaa a annddlilqiquuoorricicee, ,a annddooppeenniningg u upptthhee disisttililalattioionnttooeexxttrraacctt e esssseennttiaial lo oilisls. . lo kkininddooff fl flooww. .T Thheeyyttrryyttoo l ilviveeaasshheeaaltlthhiliyly a ass T Aloww a anndd n noo c caatteeggoorryyttoocclalassssicicsslilkikee t thhee O Oldld Thheerraannggeeisis t thheerreessuultltooffttwwooyyeeaarrssooff Assmmoorree a annddmmoorreeppeeoopplelesseeeekkoouuttFaasshhioionneedd. .A Annddititssjujussttaassggooooddsseerrvveeddoonn p d loF poossssibiblele, , nneeeeddttoo p peerrffoorrmm o onnaa d daailiylybbaassisis, ,deevveeloloppmmeenntt, , aanndd t thheerreess n noo s shhoorrttaaggeeooff lowwaannddnnooaalclcoohhool ld drrininkkss, ,h haavviningg a ait ssttaayyffooccuusseedd, ,a anndd t thheerreeffoorreeccoonnssuummeelelessss e pitss o owwnnoovveerricicee exxppeerrttisiseebbeehhinindd i titsspprroodduuccttioionn e eitithheerr. .prreemmiuiumm, ,h higighhqquuaaliltityy o oppttioionn l ilkikee F FlulurreeT o H isThheessee t twwoo n neewwaaddddititioionnss c coommpplelemmeenntt orr n nooaalclcoohhool.l. Hoooogghhoouuddtt D Disisttililelerryyinintthhee N Neetthheerrlalannddss isininccrreeaassiningglyly i mimppoorrttaanntt, ,a anndd t thheebbrraannddsstthhee o orrigigininaal l FFlulurreeinintthheerraannggee, ,w witithh T h bThheebbrraannddisis i ninddeeeedd p prroommoottiningg n noottoonnlyly haassaammaajojorrppaarrttttoopplalayy i nintthheepprroocceessss, ,a anndd brrooaaddeerr r raannggee n nooww m meeaannss y yoouuccaannooffffeerritss fl floorraal lb blelennddooffbboottaannicicaalsls, ,i ninccluluddiningg haasshhisisttoorryyddaattininggbbaacckkttoo11888888. . it zzeerroopprrooooffccoocckkttaailisls, ,b buutt s seerrvveess w witithh l olowweerr h tthhoosseeccuussttoommeerrss e evveennmmoorree c chhooicicee186PRIMAR SECUNDARPRIMARYY SECUNDARYYLogo as used on the bottle.For smaller use there is too much complexity inLogo as used on the bottle.For smaller use there is too much complexity inour primary logo. The secondary logo is text basedour primary logo. The secondary logo is text basedin combination with a simplified framework.in combination with a simplified framework.V OFF O OIICCEE VO ofessional barista. Friendly, personal, informal, personal, informal e not your best friend, we are not your bre not your brotherother e the barista. Well wish you goodmorning and well serve ell wish you goodmorning and well serve fee with our beautiful smile. But theree you the best possible coffee with our beautiful smile. But ther ofessional distance. There is always somethinge is always something mysterious about the barista: What does he really think staringeally think staring mysterious about the barista: What does he r at me with his chestnut coloured eyes?.ed eyes?. at me with his chestnut colour ell talk about FLURE in third person singulard person singular. At the same time. At the same time we will addr ess our audience directly with you. While FLURE ectly with you. While FLURE we will address our audience dir e conscious about their health, we never is for people that are conscious about their health, we never . Firstline we emphasize its s healthy character. Firstline we emphasize its str ous side. If we have a bit more time to talk aboute time to talk about FLURE well try to explain the premium distillation premium distillation processocess e, well-balanced taste.that leads to a matur that leads to a mature, well-balanced taste. ONNEE FLURE is like a professional barista. Friendly FLURE is like a pr emium. We are are not your best friend, we ar ess FLUREs healthy character adventur adventurous side. If we have a bit morTO T e are the barista. W you the best possible cof is always a professional distance. Ther is always a pr Well talk about FLURE in thir is for people that ar stress FLURE FLURE well try to explain the prbut premium. W We ar Wbut pr W'